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Author: Rebecca Iunco

MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP – Our Sustainable Achievements

Green is not just a colour; it is a promise deeply embedded in the DNA of the Moguntia Food Group. As a sustainably-driven company, we proudly celebrate our iconic green corporate shade, which signifies more than just an aesthetic choice. It symbolises our deeply rooted and passionate commitment to a sustainable future in the food industry.

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MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP Opens New Customer Delivery Centre

The MOGUNTIA FOOD GROUP is excited to announce the opening of its new Customer Delivery Centre (CDC). The CDC is located close to the production site in Georgsmarienhütte and provides the perfect opportunity to respond even faster to the growing needs of our customers and continue to deliver on our customer centric commitment.

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Picture of Hi, jenny Loral
Hi, jenny Loral

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor dolore magna aliqua.


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